ANNOUNCEMENT: Form 138 (Report Card) distribution for all Grade levels will be held tomorrow, 8 June 2018, from 8 am…
QUALIFYING EXAM FOR SCHOLARSHIP FOR GRADE 7 RESULTS (held last May 15, 2018) Multiple Intelligence Scholarship Passers Liah Elaine C.…
Orientation on the results of the CI Entrance Exam for Transferees will be given according to the following schedule: May…
May 25, 2018 (10 AM) Thanksgiving Service (K2, Grade 6, 10 & 12) ( 4 PM ) NKS Moving-Up May…
Please be reminded of the following schedule for May 15-19, 2018 May 15-18 Final…
Orientation on Results of Entrance Exams (Additional list) Students listed below please attend said orientation on May 15, 2017 at…
SCHEDULE OF ENTRANCE EXAMS Grade 3 – Grade 12 (SY 2018-19) May 9 – 11, 2018 8:00 am – 10:00…
Preschool (Nursery and Kindergarten 1 – 2) May 8 – 11, 2018 Special Education May 7 – 10, 2018 Elementary…
Please be reminded of the following school activities and schedule for April 2018